We represent individuals and couples seeking to become parents through adoption. There are different types of adoption, with varying procedures and requirements. We assist with navigating the process, terminating rights of birth parents, and culminating in an adoption order that establishes the adoptive parents' rights. Post-adoption contact agreements are also addressed.
Step-parent and Second Parent adoptions enable one parent to adopt a child without terminating the rights of the other parent.
Types of Adoption
Second Parent Confirmatory Adoption: A same-sex married couple may obtain an adoption order to provide additional legal protection of parental rights.
Step-parent Adoption: The spouse or domestic partner of the child’s parent adopts that child without terminating the rights of the first parent.
Agency Adoption: A licensed adoption agency or the Department of Social Services is involved in the process. An investigation/home study is required.
Independent Adoption: A private adoption without the involvement of an agency or social services. An investigation/home study is required.
Fost-adopt: We do not provide representation for foster care adoptions, in which an infant, child, or teen is adopted from foster care. We can provide a referral as needed.
International Adoption: We do not provide representation for international adoptions. We can provide a referral as needed